Radish Cake (Law Pak Koh)

Today I came with a my most favorite dim sum dish called Radish/Daikon/Turnips Cake or even some people(Malaysian) do called it Carrot Cake.It was one of the signature dish were served in dim sum restaurants around the globe.This Radish cake is one of our favorite dim sum dish where come first item to order whenever we visited a dim sum restaurant.
I prefer homemade version is much more tastier,yummier and cheaper than any of the dimsum restaurant and its easy to make at home too.Everytime I steamed this cake I do stir fry it by cut the steamed cake into small pieces and fried them with egg,beansprouts,garlic and chives with hint of chilli as same as Chai Tow Kway(fried carrot cake).

Radish Cake(Law Pak Koh) by My Kitchen Snippets
Ingredients :
2 to 2 1/2cup coarsely shredded daikon radish
2 Chinese sausage - finely diced (I omitted)
3 dried shiitake mushrooms - soak in hot water and finely diced(I omitted)
4 tbsp small dried shrimp - soak in water and finely chopped
1 shallots - thinly sliced
2 green onion - thinly sliced
2 cup rice flour (do not use glutinous rice flour)

1 clove garlic - chopped*
5 nos fresh king prawns-chopped*
1 tbsp sesame oil*
1 tsp chicken powder*
1/2 tsp oyster sauce*(*I added,optional)
1 3/4 cup water
salt and white pepper to taste

1) Mix rice flour with 1 cup of water.Keep aside

2) Heat oil in a skillet or wok and stir fry garlic,shallots,shrimp,fresh prawns and green onion for 2 to 3 minutes. Add daikon, 3/4 cup of water,chicken powder,oyster sauce, sesame oil, salt and pepper to taste.
3.Bring to a boil and then add in the rice flour mixture.Stir.
4.Continue to stir until mixture thicken. Remove from heat.Pour mixture into a well greased pan and steam over high heat for 45 minutes.(I used pressure cooker to steam.Steam in the pressure cooker with  weight for 15-20 minutes and switch off flame.)
5) Cool.After cooling,cut the cake and pan fry until both sides are golden brown.

6) Serve with chili sauce.Best to serve with Sriracha sauce.
Hearty Welcome to my new followers and  visitors.Have a nice weekend everyone!!


Nithya said…
Something absolutely new to me and looks really delicious too :)
Anonymous said…
Your radish cake looks beautiful. Love it.
Priya dharshini said…
Awesome blog...Luvly pics and good recipes....Simply great..